
In an ideal world, I would be spending my fortieth birthday in a bar overlooking Bondi Beach…”



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Being in limbo, 30,000 feet in the air, offers time to reflect and take stock. For Aaron Umber, it’s an opportunity to connect with his 14-year-old son as they travel halfway across the world to meet a woman who isn’t expecting them.

 Unsettled by his past, and anxious for his future, Aaron is at a crossroads in life. The damage inflicted upon him during his youth has made him the man he is, but now threatens to widen the growing fissures between him and his only child. This trip could bind them closer together, or tear them further apart.

 In this penetrating examination of action and consequence, fault and attribution, acceptance and resolution, John Boyne gives us a redemptive story of a father and a son on a moving journey to mend their troubled lives.

Air – Square Long Trailer

  • UK: Doubleday (May 2025)
  • Catalan: Grup 62
  • Czechia: Slovart
  • Germany: Piper
  • Holland: Meulenhoff
  • Poland: Replika
  • Slovakia: Slovart
  • Turkey: Tudem